
Creates the book list with the specified publication names and sets up automatic renumbering.

Command constructor

PBook(PRequestBuf& request);
Because a book can contain a variable number of documents, you must create a PRequestBuf object and pass it to the PBook constructor. The PRequestBuf object should contain the following fields:

eAuto cAutoNumber;

kAutoNone (these are defined in PKeywords.h)
This is followed by a list of publications in the book. For each publication:

const char * sPubNames;
Publication names, including optional pathname to folder and disk (maximum of 91 characters for each name and path)
Clearing the book list. To remove all publications from the book list, specify zero publication names.

Example. The following example specifies the type of automatic renumbering for the book, specifies the number of publications in the book list, and creates a list of the publications.

PRequestBuf book(500); // 500 bytes, plenty big
book << (short) kAutoNext;
book << (short) 4;
// number of books
book << "mydisk:myfolder:toc" << "mydisk:myfolder:sec1"<< "mydisk:myfolder:sec2" << "mydisk:myfolder:sum3";

See also

The PGetBook query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Book

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